June 2, 2021
As climate change continues to accelerate and countries around the world struggle to take the necessary actions to combat it, fighting climate-related disinformation has undeniably become one of the most important battles of our time. Despite many advertising technology companies and major global brands’ statements about supporting climate action, advertising continues to fund countless domains that spread climate disinformation like denialism, conspiracy theories and anti-scientific messaging.
In 2021, GDI studied popular brand ads that appeared on such sites and the origins of how those ads were delivered, and the results in this deck show that the link between advertising and climate disinformation remains prevalent.
GDI analysed current ad tech policies and their enforcement in the present policy landscape. Read our recommendations on how to strengthen initiatives aimed at protecting our online spaces from harmful content.
What would it take to equip tech companies with the regulatory tools required to reduce the harm caused by their products?